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WPCA Approved Minutes, Regular Meeting 01/05/2010
                                TOWN OF SOUTH WINDSOR

MINUTES                                                                         REGULAR MEETING
SPRENKEL ROOM                           PAGE 1                 JANUARY 5, 2010


Members Present:        Joseph Carino, Thomas Deming, Robert Dickinson, Frank Ferrero
                        Carol Fletterick, Edward Havens, Jr., and William Vees

Alternates Present: None

Staff Present:  C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control
                        Ether A. Diaz, Recording Secretary

Others:         Sands Aeschliman, Applicant Surveyor
                Dustin Mitchell, Applicant
                William “Bill” Mitchell
                John Mitchell

Chairman Joseph Carino called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the January 5, 2010 Regular Meeting of the W.P.C.A.


1.      November 4, 2009 – Regular Meeting

        Motion was made to approve the WPCA Regular minutes of November 4, 2009, as presented.

Motion was made by Edward Havens, Jr.
Motion was seconded by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion carried unanimously


        1.      96 Griffin Road, East Windsor, CT (Conceptual Approval)

Mr. Sands Aeschliman, Surveyor came before the Authority representing the application for 96 Griffin Road, East Windsor, CT.; He explained that this proposed project involves a 3 lot subdivision located in East Windsor, CT northerly side of Griffin Road.  It is proposed that these three lots will be serviced by a private sewer line connection to the existing South Windsor sanitary sewer on Griffin Road.  The Attorney for the developer was able to obtain approval from the State of Connecticut Office of Policy and Management Division, to change the designation from a “Conservation” area to a “Neighborhood Conservation” area (see Exhibit A).  The new designation of Neighborhood Conservation would permit this area to be serviced by a sanitary sewer.  This project will be presented again to the East Windsor Water Pollution Control Authority for approval.

Mr. Fred Shaw added that any sewer plan has to be consistent with OPM Plan on Conservation and Development; the C&D Plan discourages extension of sewer or development in areas that are considered environmentally sensitive.  Therefore, the change of designation from conservation area to neighborhood conservation area will allow the Town of East Windsor to permit sewer development in this area and to be consistent with the C&D Plan.

Chairman Carino introduced this application as if this was a subdivision in the Town of South Windsor in order to make a technical analysis of this project including the sewer line pipe size and the slope.  Upon review of the plans, the following concerns were raised by the Authority: (1) the diameter of the pipe, (2) the slope and (3) that the proposed sewer line would be sufficient to accept gravity flow only from a single family unit on lot 3.  With this said, Chairman Carino stated that the conceptual approval will be only for the proposed 3 lot single family residential subdivision and will require that the developer returns to the South Windsor WPCA to obtain the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department technical approval of the plans and final approval of the Authority.  Mr. Shaw recommended pursuing with an Intertown agreement, should the Town of East Windsor agrees to pursue with this project.

Motion was made to provide conceptual approval for a proposed 3 lot single family residential subdivision in East Windsor involving connection to the existing South Windsor sanitary sewer on Griffin Road as presented and as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Subdivision Plan; Mitchell Subdivision Prepared for Environmental Services, Inc., East Windsor, Conn.”, prepared by Aeschliman Land Surveying, PC, East Hartford, CT.  Sheet No 1 of 3 “Aeschliman Land Surveying, PC”, Dated 6-18-08 and Revised on 7-18-08 “Engineering Comments” and 7/1/09.  This approval is subject to the sewer design review and technical approval of the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department, and the final approval of the South Windsor Water Pollution Control Authority.

Chairman Carino called for a vote and the motion carried unanimously.

2.      Election of Officers

        Motion was made to nominate Mr. Joseph Carino as the WPCA Chairman.

The motion was made by Mr. Thomas Deming
The motion was seconded by Ms. Carol Fletterick
There were no other nominations; Chairman Carino expressed his appreciation for being allowed to be Chairman of the WPCA and Ms. Carol Fletterick, Secretary of the Authority casted a vote to nominate Mr. Joseph Carino as WPCA Chairperson.

Motion was made to nominate Mr. Edward Havens, Jr. as the WPCA Vice Chairman.

The motion was made by Mr. Frank Ferrero
The motion was seconded by Ms. Carol Fletterick
There were no other nominations and Ms. Fletterick casted a vote to nominate Mr. Edward Havens, Jr. as Vice Chairman.

Chairman Carino stated that the definition of the Authority’s Secretary in the WPCA Rules and Regulations needs to be changed because it is not what is being practiced by the Authority (see Exhibit B).  This will be an Item for the next public hearing in June.

Motion was made to nominate Ms. Carol Fletterick as Secretary of the Water Pollution Control Authority.

The motion was made by Mr. Edward Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Mr. Robert Dickinson
There were no other nominations; Chairman Carino moved to close the nominations and Ms. Fletterick casted her vote as Secretary.

3.      Review and Approve WPCA Calendar for 2010

With the Agenda, a copy of the WPCA 2010 Meeting Calendar was included for review and approval (see Exhibit C).  Mr. Shaw and Chairman Carino explained that there is a floating meeting date for July which will get scheduled in the June meeting.  There is no meeting normally scheduled in August, and in November the meeting will be held on a Wednesday rather than Tuesday due to elections.

Motion was made to approve the WPCA Meeting Calendar for 2010 as presented (see Exhibit C).

Motion was made by Mr. Thomas Deming
Motion was seconded by Ms. Carol Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously


        1.      Issue of the Town’s Sewer Service Area and Clean Water Funding

Together with the Agenda, a copy of the letter sent by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) was included (see Exhibit D) and Mr. Shaw presented a copy of the Town’s Sanitary Sewer Service Areas Map for approval.  Mr. Shaw briefly explained that the Town’s Sanitary Sewer Service Areas Map must be consistent with OPM Plan of Conservation and Development.  In this letter, the State DEP is requesting the South Windsor WPCA to formally adopt and submit the final Sewer Service Areas Map as prepared by the Town using the town’s geographical information system dated January 2010.  Also, in this letter the State encourages the Town of South Windsor to work with the Office of Policy and Management in the future as OPM updates their C&D Plan so as to align the Town’s sewer service area map with the State’s C&D plan.

Motion was made to adopt the map submitted by Mr. Shaw of the Town’s sanitary sewer service area entitled “Town of South Windsor Future Sewer Service Areas 2009” as prepared by the Town of South Windsor and its contractor SBC; and furthermore, that the Town will work with the State of Connecticut, Office of Policy and Management when it next updates the State’s Plan of Conservation and Development to minimize any inconsistencies between the State and local plans.

Motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion was seconded by Mr. Frank Ferrero
The motion carried unanimously

        2.      96 Tumblebrook Drive

Mr. Shaw distributed a copy for discussion of a letter addressed to Chairman Carino.  This letter was sent by Ms. Nancy P. Tyler, property owner of 96 Tumblebrook Drive (see Exhibit E).  In this letter she explains that she is in the process of selling her property and has a potential buyer.  During inspection of the foundation, she was informed that the septic tank had been crushed.  She asked the contractor who cleared the debris from the property and was told that the tank was already crushed.  Therefore, she is claiming that the damaged was previously done by the contractor that the Town hired to remove debris materials from the property.  In this letter, she states that the potential buyer is trying to reduce his cost because now he will need to connect to the sewer due to the damaged septic tank; and therefore, she is asking the Town if there are any connection fees, sewer fees that can be waived.

Mr. Shaw explained to the Authority that initially Ms. Tyler has spoken to the Town Manager and she was referred to the WPCA for resolution of this matter.  A discussion ensued among the Authority and there was a consensus that Mr. Fred Shaw should refer this matter back to the Town Manager’s Office to process as a claim for damages.  The property owner should prepare a damage claim and submit it to the Town for resolution.






Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m.

Motion was made by Mr. Thomas Deming
The motion was seconded by Mr. Edward Havens, Jr.
The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully Submitted,

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary